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Photos of the Zimbabwe Crisis
Got the photos from other web sites

Chinoyi Farmers on Parade

Looted Chinoyi Farm
Man, law and order is as scarce as rocking horse shit
Really have to try and tidy up, but where have all the workers gone
Well there goes the furniture, I thought Biddulphs Removals were more careful
Well there goes the hired help, on the road to no where
Chicken feed - Farmer worker on the move
Released from prison but you cannot go home to the farm

You still took my farm after I went to the ZANU (PF) rally
Former farmworkers camped on the side of the road
Mike Mason a farmer under seige with no fire force to come to his rescue
Now the police want to arrest me for breaking the war vets knobkerrie with my head
No good going to the hospital to get treatment the doctors and nurses are on strike
We are so happy we spend the whole day singing and dancing while the paitients die